Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How many times has @GlennBeck said this on the air? “Here's the deal: Call Goldline.” A few thousand and counting. http://dld.bz/Ea57
Glenn Beck is pushing for more “bullets to the brain” on his elite membership website. {Dana Milbank, Tears of a Clown} http://dld.bz/Ea57
Discredited vaccination researcher Andrew Wakefield was brought to a new low; British medical journal accused him f fraud http://dld.bz/EWHS
Bill Draper born in New York, son of banker and diplomat William Henry Draper, Jr. [The Startup Game] http://dld.bz/GdzB history books
Amy Chua: Battle Hymn: A lot of people wonder how Chinese parents raise such stereotypically successful kids. http://dld.bz/Fu4K
The spirit of Ma Bell haunts the Internet. (Tim Wu, The Master Switch) http://dld.bz/F639 net neutrality regulation
Chua: ths book's abt a bitter clash f cultures a fleeting taste of glory, & how I was humbled by a 13 year-old. http://dld.bz/Fupc tigermom
There are 5 billion TV users worldwide. http://dld.bz/FCvS @GoogleTV
David Cheriton, confidant to venture capitalists in the Valley, vouched for the @Google Guys (David A. Vise) http://dld.bz/Gfen
FB's CFO Gideon Yu kept bringing in investors at a higher and higher valuation for the company. [The @Facebook Effect] http://dld.bz/GjcD
I tested this latest version out on my Sprint HTC EVO 4G http://dld.bz/FFvv htcevo
OpenLeaks will work with other publishers, including newspapers and websites around the world: http://dld.bz/Ev9y Wikileaks
“Lyor, we can sign her for a happy meal.” – Chris Lighty, talking about Foxy Brown. @warnermusic [Dan Charnas] http://dld.bz/FPgJ hiphop
There’s still no wider audience, than the TV audience. http://dld.bz/FCvS @GoogleTV
The Laceks subscribed to "selective vaccination". Then their little Matthew contracted the HiB virus. http://dld.bz/FjCQ panicvirus autism
Starting automatically generating traffic for yourself through Twitter, Google, Google News, Facebook, MySpace http://dld.bz/89Mu
Parents that refuse to vaccinate their children r opening digging up graves 4 diseases that haven't been seen in decades http://dld.bz/EWHS
@Google doesn't need all that computing power to help us fine the best Italian restaurant. It has grander plans. http://dld.bz/Gfen
“Everyone has an internal age.” [David Rakoff, Half Empty] http://dld.bz/FXrt interesting books
About always-on connectivity to information stores: we risk turning into pancake people, spread wide and thin... http://dld.bz/EakA
I don't think we exaggerate the amount of wine-drinking that adults do in America by that much http://dld.bz/FCNB wine fridge
Videoconferencing with my sister on my Logitech rig! So, dope. http://dld.bz/FCvS @GoogleTV
A Google friendly way to Increase Your FREE Traffic By Force-Feeding Your Content Onto Google News websites http://dld.bz/EGR5
Read Featured Books: Keith Richards, James Fox: Life: http://ping.fm/6rbDO
Bolshevik society was subordinate to the state which in practice was controlled by a few people. (T. Snyder) http://dld.bz/FsQq bloodlands
The characters on "Cougar Town" drink wine. A lot of wine. Often. http://dld.bz/FCNB wine fridge
Seth Mnookin: Panic Virus: Just Googling "vaccines" and "autism" is dangerous http://dld.bz/FjCQ panicvirus NPR Colbert Report
Once @Facebook goes public, Zuckerberg (who some say is sort of unstable) will face pressure from Wall St: http://dld.bz/GjcD
Free Speech: The first amendment limits Congress not @Microsoft @Google @Facebook @Twitter. (Tim Wu, The Master Switch) http://dld.bz/F639
The company used its economic power and the patent laws to destroy its competition. (Tim Wu, The Master Switch) http://dld.bz/F639
Jared Loughner follows strict Mormon extremism whilst in custody. Glenn Beck reaches out http://dld.bz/Ea57
Greg Lawrence: Jackie as Editor: The Literary Life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis http://dld.bz/DQKb
Jonathan Bloom: In a down economy, it's insane to think that more than $100 billion is wasted in food that's tossed out http://dld.bz/DZDP
Michael Lewis: The Big Short: You can work on Wall Street, lose billions and not raise any red flags http://dld.bz/ERz2
All of the "important people" that were involved in creating n facilitating the subprime mess left the table filthy rich http://dld.bz/ERz2
“Financial products were an ever greater driving force of the nation’s economy.” (Andrew Sorkin) http://dld.bz/Fmga 2big2fail @CNBC
shopping for a fridge for my mom, for all of her bottles of wine. that wino. http://dld.bz/FCNB wine fridge
A basic wine refrigerator is fine for keeping bottles that you plan to drink within a year http://dld.bz/FCNB wine fridge
Social media optimization is still about the backlinks. That will never change. http://dld.bz/EGR5
GF didn’t want anything to do with my @GoogleTV last December. Now she won’t let it go. Grr. Home screen’s all muffed. http://dld.bz/FCvS
The Google TVs, which run on Intel’s Atom chips, are close to full-fledged computers http://dld.bz/FCvS @GoogleTV
Sprint Samsung Galaxy Tab Price Slashed, 4G WiMAX Tab Next Month? http://dld.bz/F8yq Samsung Galaxy Tab
Behind closed doors Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are calling on their minions to raise arms against colored people http://dld.bz/Ea57
University College London: @Facebook @Twitter @YouTube r producing new reading habits amongst habitual web users http://dld.bz/EakA Shallows
Michael Lewis: The Big Short: Wall Street has long sought to exploit customers, clients. http://dld.bz/ERz2 60 Minutes NPR The Daily Show
Google News needs to tighten up its formula on who it allows to get through on "news" about autism. About.com is SPAM http://dld.bz/EWHS
"There are some moments in life that are perfect..." [David Rakoff, Half Empty] http://dld.bz/FXrt interesting books memoirs
I put a sell rating on that bullshit company but nobody told me tht I wasn't supposed to do that. Steven Eisman http://dld.bz/ERz2 Big Short
Henry Luce reigned over a media empire that included Time, Sports Illustrated, Fortune, Life. And he recreated with LSD. http://dld.bz/GsRS
There would've been a run on Goldman Sachs had d public known abt Paulson's ethics waiver, at the time that he signed it http://dld.bz/EN5Z

Monday, January 17, 2011

We've started an Chinese mothering, parenting book club! (Amy Chua, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother) http://dld.bz/Fu4K
Greg Lawrence: Jackie as Editor: The Literary Life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis http://dld.bz/DQKb
FBI finally begin to break Jared Loughner; 22 year old cites Glenn Beck. Fox considers canceling Beck http://dld.bz/Ea57
It's the industrial structure that defines the limits of free speech, not the 1st amendment. (Tim Wu, The Master Switch) http://dld.bz/F639
There's method to Amy Chua's madness — enough to stir up self-doubt in readers who subscribe to more nurturing http://dld.bz/Fupc tigermom
Technology is not mere hardware; rather it is more akin to an organism. (Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants) http://dld.bz/F3xR
The Unabomber, argued that technology is a dynamic holistic system, not merely hardware. (KK, What Technology Wants) http://dld.bz/F3xR
Jonathan Bloom: Americans waste 40% of the food we produce for consumption, $100+ billion in outright waste http://dld.bz/DZDP
Michio Kaku is the Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics in the City College of New York of City University http://dld.bz/EhE9
Best of all, it transforms into either a 3G/4G/Wi-fi hotspot w the press of a button http://dld.bz/FFvv htcevo
Andrew Wakefield is the real profiteer in this whole story, not Paul Offit http://dld.bz/EWHS Seth Mnookin PBS NPR CNN Fox News
A user has the right 2 use his device in ways that r privately benficial w/o being publicly detrimental. apps internet http://dld.bz/F639
Jennifer Margulis blieves diseases like AIDS r supposed 2happen, tht kids r supposed 2get sick; some die, that's how t is http://dld.bz/EWHS
The straitjacket of D gold standard caused D central bankers of D Depression to make detrimental mistakes http://dld.bz/EEBK Liaquat Ahamed
Read Featured Books: Economic Conditions: http://dld.bz/DRaF
Read Featured Books: W. J. T. Mitchell: Cloning Terror: The War of Images, 9/11 to the Present http://dld.bz/Eg96 September 11 9/11 NPR CNN
Steve Case took his moment to cash in on AOL. (Tim Wu, The Master Switch) http://dld.bz/F639
Playboy bunnies and science do not mix on the topic of vaccines. Don't get your science from phony British doctors either http://dld.bz/EWHS
Pakistan is unwilling to cease aid to the terror cells that hope to topple the U.S. (Bob Woodward, Obama's Wars) http://dld.bz/FQB4
Glenn Beck is using Mormon code against Barack Obama (personally). “Constitution is hanging by a thread” {Dana Milbank} http://dld.bz/Ea57
At 16, Pierre Curie had a university degree. (Lauren Redniss, Radioactive) http://dld.bz/Gc7k interesting books
Almost $2 TRILLION in losses from the subprime bonanza, Michael Lewis tells 60 Minutes http://dld.bz/ERz2 TRILLION! wall street finance
The U.S. economy deserves to be in the tank: http://dld.bz/ERz2
Dan Charnas follows the money-relationship between artist and merchant in Hip-Hop. [Dan Charnas: The Big Payback] http://dld.bz/FPgJ
Is Dr. Paul Offit really a profiteering physician, preying on the public health sector? http://dld.bz/EWHS rotavirus vaccine
There’s still no wider audience, than the TV audience. http://dld.bz/FCvS @GoogleTV
Barney Frank: In 2005 banks didn't expect 2 live out d relationship w/ d borrower because they sold the debt immediately http://dld.bz/EN5Z
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms http://dld.bz/DWNt Economics Business Theory Society NPR
These are the books that you need to read, if you want to know more about economics: http://dld.bz/DRaX
At 35, Pierre Curie was still living with his parents (Lauren Redniss, Radioactive) http://dld.bz/Gc7k interesting books
@JennyMcCarthy: Delay shots. Delay them till age 2. Skip some that you might not need http://dld.bz/FjCQ panicvirus vaccines mnookin
Hib and many other diseases thought to be eradicated have returned as more parents choose not to vaccinate their children http://dld.bz/EWHS
US Cellular is currently offering a 2 for 1 deal on the Samsung Galaxy Tab http://dld.bz/F8yq Samsung Galaxy Tab
The whole trend in technology has been to devise machines that are less and less under direct control. (Kevin Kelly) http://dld.bz/F3xR
Glenn Beck was this pro-choice, ponytail-wearing, drug-using DJ on morning radio... {Dana Milbank, Tears of a Clown} http://dld.bz/Ea57
Collectivization: By 1928, Stalin proposed to force peasants to work in shifts under state control. http://dld.bz/FsQq bloodlands snyder
H.A.M.: “Niggas ain't got my lady's money!” @JayZ @RealBGKnowles @Forbes [Dan Charnas: The Big Payback] http://dld.bz/FPgJ
Is the collective American memory about polio so short term that places like Ashland Oregon refuse to vaccinate kids? http://dld.bz/EWHS
Quantum computers are exciting. These will outperform all other computers. [William H. Draper, The Startup Game] http://dld.bz/GdzB VC
Keith Richards, James Fox: Life (book): http://dld.bz/DR8j
Nobody understood what Greenspan said, but he said it in such a way that everybody bought it. Arthur Levitt SEC Chairman http://dld.bz/ERz2
Academic achievement reflects successful parenting (Amy Chua, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother) http://dld.bz/Fu4K
“Lyor, we can sign her for a happy meal.” – Chris Lighty, talking about Foxy Brown. @warnermusic [Dan Charnas] http://dld.bz/FPgJ hiphop
Some thought that Rumsfeld persuaded President Ford to appoint Dad to run the CIA. {George W. Bush, Decision Points} http://dld.bz/DR9k
Nicholas Carr: The Shallows: "The very way my brain worked seemed to be changing." http://dld.bz/EakA Google Facebook
Jared Loughner's parents admit that son was an avid Glenn Beck disciple, Mormon Extremist {Dana Milbank, Tears of a C..} http://dld.bz/Ea57
Collectivization: By 1928, Stalin proposed to treat crops as state property. (Timothy Snyder) http://dld.bz/FsQq bloodlands
What happens to our Facebook accounts when we die? http://dld.bz/Fshp digitalafter
George W. Bush did not understand and lacked the technical aptitude to grasp the gravity of the 2008 financial collapse http://dld.bz/EN5Z
Bill Draper invested in @Skype, Hotmail, @OpenTable. [William H. Draper, The Startup Game] http://dld.bz/GdzB venture capital

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Unlimited Highly-Targeted, One-Way Backlinks 30 day trial MyArticleNetwork http://dld.bz/89Mu SEO SEM Internet Marketing Links
Just grabbed a bottle of malbec. Sittin' back with the Kindle http://dld.bz/FCNB wine fridge
Ace Greenberg @ Bear Sterns says "Things are fine. These rumors are ridiculous" http://dld.bz/EN5Z
White Anglo parents are simply too soft, too lazy and stupid. They can blame themselves, thank you. http://dld.bz/Fupc tigermom
Measles remains deadly regardless of whether you live in the United States or in Uganda http://dld.bz/FjCQ panicvirus autism mnookin
Don't listen to Playboy Bunnies, when it comes to vaccinating your children. Well, unless you live in Ashland, Oregon http://dld.bz/EWHS
Memoirs and Biographies of the most interesting people http://dld.bz/EaGQ Must read Amazon.com Kindle titles
Kelly Lacek almost lost her child because she failed to vaccinate her kid for HIB. http://dld.bz/EWHS
Is Internet addiction going to become the next public health crisis, the next "crack cocaine" ? http://dld.bz/EakA
Technology will converge to uniform usage around the globe... (Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants) http://dld.bz/F3xR
For the most part all civilizations are converging toward one global flavor of technology. (Kevin Kelly, What Tech...) http://dld.bz/F3xR
Jared Loughner, Arizona shooter is a Mormon extremist that identifies with Glenn Beck {see Dana Milbank Tears of a Clown} http://dld.bz/Ea57
Glenn Beck is back to talking about FEMA concentration camps in Wyoming (on his elite membership web content). Milbank http://dld.bz/Ea57
Glenn Beck is back on the cocaine and whiskey: http://dld.bz/Ea57 FoxNews CNN NPR The Colbert Report Dana Milbank
David Kirkpatrick talks about Facebook Effect, how technology is changing absolutely everything http://dld.bz/F2Up technology @ForumNetwork
Wine flows freely in "Cougar Town" http://dld.bz/FCNB wine fridge
The Nazis rejected democracy, only to follow a leader that supposedly held the will of the people. (Timothy Snyder) http://dld.bz/Fthc
Andrew Sorkin: A market “gripped by a fear and disorder that no invisible hand could tame” http://dld.bz/Fmga 2big2fail Wall Street Finance
“The better we get at multitasking, the worse we get at critical thinking." Nicholas Carr tells Stephen Colbert http://dld.bz/EakA Shallows
More so, technology is how our society learns and introduces change. (Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants) http://dld.bz/F3xR
“This needs to be a plan about how we're going to get out of Afghanistan.” @BarackObama (Bob Woodward, Obama's Wars) http://dld.bz/FQB4
Jared Loughner is a Mormon extremist who has quoted Glenn Beck as his inspiration on his MySpace page http://dld.bz/Ea57
The complete list of authors, guests, economists, scientists from The Colbert Report and The Daily Show, as well as NPR http://dld.bz/DWPJ
"Autism is caused by too many vaccines given too soon" -AutismOne AKA Idiots R Us http://dld.bz/EWHS @JennyMcCarthy
The U.S. economy deserves to be in the tank: http://dld.bz/ERz2
Even the most startling inventions are arrived at simultaneously by 2 or more people. (Tim Wu, The Master Switch) http://dld.bz/F639
CES: Sprint officially announces HTC Evo Shift 4G http://dld.bz/FFvv htcevo
High school dropout, admitted Glenn Beck follower arrested for domestic terror plot http://dld.bz/Ea57
Scientists believe that it was technology that sparked language. (Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants) http://dld.bz/F3xR
Academic achievement reflects successful parenting (Amy Chua, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother) http://dld.bz/Fu4K
No employee owned firm on Wall Street would leverage 35:1 with all kinds of exotic risks. John Gutfreund Michael Lewis http://dld.bz/ERz2
I had appointed African Americans to top government positions. {George W. Bush, Decision Points} http://dld.bz/DR9k
"The calamity would definitely shatter some of the most cherished principles of capitalism." ==Andrew Sorkin= http://dld.bz/Fmga 2big2fail
Technology is how human minds explore the space of possibilities. (Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants) http://dld.bz/F3xR
The U.S. extended diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union in November 1933. (Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands) http://dld.bz/Fthc
We're talking about article marketing and internet marketing, in the face of social media: MyArticleNetwork http://dld.bz/89Mu SEO SEM
Collectivization: By 1928, Stalin proposed to treat crops as state property. (Timothy Snyder) http://dld.bz/FsQq bloodlands
Ron Christie cites Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and President Obama in "Acting White" http://dld.bz/Eyth
"I don't think you win this war. We’re in this for the rest of our lives." General David Petraeus (Bob Woodward) http://dld.bz/FQB4
Goldman Sachs convinced Greece to do subprime deals. - Michael Lewis The Big Short http://dld.bz/ERz2 finance history
They’re not giving up bin Laden, because he’s swimming in a sea of like-minded people. (Bob Woodward, Obama's Wars) http://dld.bz/FQB4
When buying a wine fridge: the best units have an aluminum interior http://dld.bz/FCNB
Arizona shooter Jared Loughner had a premium Glenn Beck web account, which he cites on his @MySpace page {Dana Milbank} http://dld.bz/Ea57
Sherry Turkle's new book, "Alone Together" about Technology and Society http://dld.bz/DY6j available on the Amazon.com Kindle NPR radio
People were warning the U.S. at large about these toxic assets for years. Michael Lewis and @PBS Frontline http://dld.bz/ERz2
Marketing on the web isn't going to change much any time soon. You still need backlinks. SEO http://dld.bz/EGR5
Stalin meant that the Soviet wd hv 2 build its paradise w/o help from workers of the world that didn’t unite. http://dld.bz/FsQq bloodlands
Julian Assange: Cablegate archive has been spread to more than 100,000 people. Joseph Menn Fatal System Error WikiLeaks http://dld.bz/EyYY
Facebook has 600 million members and a truly international reach http://dld.bz/F3q2
Wakefield was found guilty by the General Medical Council of serious professional misconduct in May 2010 http://dld.bz/FjCQ panicvirus

Saturday, January 15, 2011

For Justin Halpern, going home was his lucky break http://dld.bz/DRDW ShitMyDadSays
Andrew Sorkin on The Daily Show, talking about Too Big to Fail, Wall Street, and Washington http://dld.bz/EN5Z Jon Stewart
A Chinese mother believes you must never compliment your children in public (Amy Chua, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother) http://dld.bz/Fu4K
"When I picked up my newspaper yesterday, I thought I woke up in France." - Sen Jim Bunning to Hank Paulson http://dld.bz/Fmga 2big2fail
Glenn Beck considers interracial mixing a communist plot @FoxNews @GlennBeck http://dld.bz/Ea57 idiot
In The Shallows, it does seem as though the Nicholas Carr's memory really has been degraded by his internet abuse http://dld.bz/EakA
Kelly Lacek almost lost her child because she failed to vaccinate her kid for HIB. http://dld.bz/EWHS
In the area of education, it calms people to think that technology will be a salvation. It's not so simple, now is it. http://dld.bz/EakA
Try reading a book while doing a crossword puzzle. "This is your brain on the internet." http://dld.bz/EakA Nicholas Carr Shallows
Internet marketing strategies include SEO, article submission and distribution, as well as social media. Learn more here http://dld.bz/EGR5
Some of the best books I've ever read, I caught wind of on The Colbert Report / The Daily Show with Jon Stewart http://dld.bz/DWPJ
P. W. Singer: Wired for War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century http://t.co/zE78Cc7 Drones Robots Bombers Technology
Seth Mnookin: The Panic Virus: Just Googling "vaccines" and "autism" is dangerous: http://dld.bz/EWHS science fear @npr
Michael Lewis: The Big Short: Wall Street lied and connived so much, that they fell prey to their own lies http://dld.bz/ERz2 The Daily Show
Michael Lewis tells 60 Minutes: 90% of Wall Street is non-productive activity. What do they produce? http://dld.bz/ERz2 The Big Short
Interpretation -- As the old joke goes: software, free. The manual, $10,000. (Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants) http://dld.bz/F3xR
@JoeBiden asked the frontline soldier (Afghanistan), “What are we trying to do here?” He replied, “I don’t know.” http://dld.bz/FQB4
Ron Christie cites Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and President Obama in "Acting White" http://dld.bz/Eyth
H.A.M.: “Really, you got baby money.” @JayZ @Forbes @liltunechi @BIRDMAN5STAR [see also: Dan Charnas, The Big Payback] http://dld.bz/FPgJ
@JennyMcCarthy graduated from the "University of @Google". Does she mean @Stanford? Playboy Bunnies are cryptic! http://dld.bz/FjCQ Mnookin
Americans watch 5 hours of TV per day. http://dld.bz/FCvS @GoogleTV
The EVO name has become synonymous with high end Android superphone on Sprint http://dld.bz/FFvv htcevo
H.W. Brands Pierpont Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie constituted a trinity of power-obsessed individuals http://dld.bz/ExEh
H.A.M.: @JayZ has done business with “Great White” people such as Warren Buffet. @Forbes [Dan Charnas: The Big Payback] http://dld.bz/FPgJ
Don't listen to Playboy Bunnies, when it comes to vaccinating your children. Well, unless you live in Ashland, Oregon http://dld.bz/EWHS
Jared Loughner's parents admit that son was an avid Glenn Beck disciple, Mormon Extremist {Dana Milbank, Tears of a C..} http://dld.bz/Ea57
Violent conspiracy theorists such as Jared Loughner have cited @GlennBeck (issues of session and taking up arms) Milbank: http://dld.bz/Ea57
The recent changes that tech has made to books is unprecedented and transformational http://dld.bz/F2Up technology @ForumNetwork
"Autism is caused by too many vaccines given too soon" -AutismOne AKA Idiots R Us http://dld.bz/EWHS @JennyMcCarthy
I launched a $15 billion program to combat HIV/AIDS in Africa. {George W. Bush, Decision Points} http://dld.bz/DR9k
Distance creates a freedom to develop inventions that might destroy the business model of the dominant industry. (Tim Wu) http://dld.bz/F639
The Internet works over an infrastructure that doesn’t belong to those using it. (Tim Wu, The Master Switch) http://dld.bz/F639
Work from home. Do article marketing. Learn about how to get your practice, business started here. http://dld.bz/EGR5
“The cancer is in Pakistan. Pakistan is a dishonest partner.” - @BarackObama @WhiteHouse (Bob Woodward, Obama's Wars) http://dld.bz/FQB4
Beck is dog-whistling an old Mormon prophesy {Dana Milbank, Tears of a Clown} http://dld.bz/Ea57
Finally, Obama constructed his own war strategy, dictating a classified 6 page "terms sheet" (Bob Woodward, Obama's Wars) http://dld.bz/FQB4
North Korea has enough plutonium for an additional 6 nuclear weapons. (Bob Woodward, Obama's Wars) http://dld.bz/FQB4
Greg Farrell: Merrill Lynch paid out its billion dollar bonuses ahead of schedule, despite losing $28 billion http://dld.bz/Ea34
shopping for a fridge for my mom, for all of her bottles of wine. that wino. http://dld.bz/FCNB wine fridge
Andrew Sorkin: Too Big to Fail: these CEOs take better notes than any reporter I've ever met in my life http://dld.bz/EN5Z
Segueing from Grape Grower to Winemaking ~ Diamond Ridge http://dld.bz/FCNB wine fridge
"I'm certain you'll spark a fuckin' panic..." Timothy F. Geithner to Henry M. Paulson http://dld.bz/Fmga 2big2fail sorkin wall street
Top Secret Code for “Predator Drone Strike:” SYLVAN-MAGNOLIA (Bob Woodward, Obama's Wars) http://dld.bz/FQB4
Stalin and Hitler understood agriculture as a key element in the completion of their revolutions. (T. Snyder, Bloodlands) http://dld.bz/Fthc
In Great Britain, there's been more than a thousandfold increase in measles cases since 2000 http://dld.bz/EWHS Seth Mnookin autism
“Closed does not work anymore.” Google TV is OPEN! http://dld.bz/FCvS @GoogleTV
Learn more about setting up an online internet business. Learn about internet marketing and SEO. Learn about Google http://dld.bz/EGR5
Wendy Day becomes instrumental in the landmark deals that Master P landed. [Dan Charnas: The Big Payback] http://dld.bz/FPgJ rap hiphop
Keith Richards's paternal grandparents were socialists and civic leaders http://dld.bz/DR8j Rolling Stones Life Mick Jagger
AutismOne's mission statement: children suffering from autism regressed after routine vaccination http://dld.bz/FjCQ panicvirus mnookin

Friday, January 14, 2011

Don't wait 4 d economy to rebound. Start ur own business frm home. Learn more abt article marketing & internet marketing http://dld.bz/EGR5
We should expect technology to continue to exhibit ethnic and social preferences. (Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants) http://dld.bz/F3xR
Barney Frank: In 2005 banks didn't expect 2 live out d relationship w/ d borrower because they sold the debt immediately http://dld.bz/EN5Z
Samsung, says that they will sell a Bluray player that comes packaged with Google TV http://dld.bz/FCvS @GoogleTV
6 lines were slipped into the TARP bill, which called for capital injections. It was a stealthy move by a few senators. http://dld.bz/EN5Z
Spend less time finding, more time watching and interacting. http://dld.bz/FCvS @GoogleTV
Bear Stearns had 12 to 14 hours to raise emergency capital. Then one last chance, the Fed Reserve in New York. http://dld.bz/EN5Z
Huffington Post and Google News backlinks to your web marketing business website; find out more http://dld.bz/EGR5
Amy Chua: Tiger: Anglo parents wonder what these Asian parents do to produce so many math whizzes and music prodigies http://dld.bz/Fu4K
Amy Chua recounts her adventures in Chinese parenting, and — nuts though she may be — she's also mesmerizing. http://dld.bz/Fu4K book club
Lower unemployment means that more people are working on d internet. Learn abt internet marketing SEO http://dld.bz/EGR5 online business
Lehman goes down, then the Bank of England, then Iceland; then Ireland. Global contagion. http://dld.bz/EN5Z Too Big to Fail Sorkin
Read Featured Books: Economic Conditions: http://dld.bz/DRaF
Technology is the acceleration of evolution. (Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants) http://dld.bz/F3xR
Geithner saw what Central Bankers fear most: systemic risk: http://dld.bz/EN5Z PBS Frontline Andrew Sorkin Too Big to Fail History Economics
David J. Lynch's new book about Sean Fitzpatrick’s disastrous mortgage bank, Anglo Irish: http://dld.bz/Em5s Economics Ireland Default NPR
Affiliate marketing really does require backlinks; there isn't any other way around this. http://dld.bz/EGR5
Social media optimization is still about the backlinks. That will never change. http://dld.bz/EGR5
You're about to experience d most unbelievable week in America. This is abt survival - Dimon JPMorgan CEO told his staff. http://dld.bz/EN5Z
The Tiger, living symbol of strength, power, inspires fear and respect. (Amy Chua, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother) http://dld.bz/Fu4K
Greg Farrell: how one man brought down Merrill Lynch in "Crash of the Titans" http://dld.bz/Ea34
Lehman goes down, then the Bank of England, then Iceland; then Ireland. Global contagion. http://dld.bz/EN5Z Too Big to Fail Sorkin
Amy Chua: my daughters, Sophia and Louisa, were never allowed to get any grade less than an A (Battle Hymn) http://dld.bz/Fu4K
The more I thought about @KanyeWest, the angrier I felt. {George W. Bush, Decision Points} http://dld.bz/DR9k
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